The Causes and Treatment for Receding Gums; Tips from an Albany Park Area Dentist

Receding gums can seem frightening at first, and they can also be somewhat painful. However, there are several treatments that you can use at home if the problem is not too severe. In this article, we’re going to address the causes of gum recession and the various treatments that can be used at home or at the dentist’s office.
What Causes Gum Recession?
Gum recession is also known as gingival recession, and it is a process that occurs when the gum tissue recedes to the point where it no longer covers the roots of the teeth. There are several causes for this condition, with some of them being related to lifestyle habits. The causes can be:
- Aggressive flossing and brushing – While taking oral health seriously is a huge plus, some people become overzealous, especially when brushing and flossing. This aggressive type of dental care, combined with brushes that have harder bristles, can lead to gum recession.
- Genetics – The characteristics of your gums are determined by your genetic composition. This means that you could be vulnerable to factors and conditions that do not affect most people.
- Irregular teeth positioning – Gum recession can sometimes be caused by misaligned teeth.
- Bruxism, or teeth grinding – Teeth grinding can occur in your sleep or when you are stressed out, without you even being aware of it. It may seem harmless at first, but it is a habit that often causes many dental problems. The good news is that it can be treated easily using a mouth guard.
- Poor dental health – Poor dental health is almost always a contributing factor to gum recession.
The Treatment for Receding Gums
If you notice that you have receding gums and you visit a dentist while the condition is still in its early stages, you are in luck—the treatment is fairly simple and straightforward. The dentist will identify the causes of the condition and will provide you with a list of instructions to address the issue. As mentioned above, the condition is often tied to lifestyle habits, and it can be ameliorated by making some adjustments.
However, if the condition is more advanced, treatment may be necessary. In these situations, a periodontist will handle the issue. The procedure to address gum recession is not scary or intrusive, even in more advanced cases. It is called “scaling and root planning,” and it is a deep cleaning procedure designed to remove dental plaque and calculus from the root of the teeth.
In more severe cases, surgical treatment may be required. The treatment is called a gum graft. However, this is not a serious surgery by any means. It is a relatively simple procedure where the dentist will remove healthy gum tissue from the roof of the mouth and use it to build up the gum around the root of the teeth. The patient is asleep during the procedure, and there may be mild discomfort during the recovery period.
Do You Have Receding Gums? Looking for an Albany Park Dentist to Help?
If you have receding gums, it is best to visit an Albany Park dentist as soon as possible in order to avoid further damage. Even if you think the issue is not severe enough to warrant a check-up, it is still a good idea to get an opinion from an Albany Park dental professional. Smile Innovations offers periodontics in the Albany Park area for all of our patients, and we are here to help you answer any questions you may have. If you would like to learn more, or if you are interested in scheduling an appointment with Dr. Ziols, contact us today!