Three Tips to Maintain Your Teeth Whitening Results Post-Visit: Insights from a Teeth Whitening Dentist in Lincolnwood, Illinois

Teeth whitening dentists in Lincolnwood Illinois

Are you looking to have your teeth professionally whitened? Having your teeth whitened at a dentist’s office can give you a brighter and more confident smile — but it’s important to remember that your results won’t last forever. Fortunately, there are a few easy tips you can follow to maintain your teeth whitening results after leaving the dentist’s office.

Below, this teeth whitening dentist in Lincolnwood, Illinois is going to provide three tips to help you maintain your teeth whitening results after your visit. With these tips, you can get the most out of your visit and ensure that your teeth remain bright and beautiful for as long as possible.

Use a Whitening Toothpaste

One of the best ways to maintain your teeth whitening results after visiting the dentist is to use a whitening toothpaste. There are many brands available, and they typically contain baking soda, which acts as a mild abrasive to help polish and remove surface stains. This can help you maintain your bright smile and keep the results of your teeth whitening long-term.

It is important to follow the directions on the packaging and use it twice a day in place of your regular toothpaste. Additionally, make sure you brush for two minutes each time and floss every day to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Avoid Staining Foods and Drinks

Following your treatment, your teeth whitening dentists in Lincolnwood, Illinois will recommend staying away from foods and liquids that can stain your teeth. Foods and drinks known to cause stains on teeth include tea, coffee, red wine, dark sodas, balsamic vinegar, tomato sauce, and other acidic fruits like blueberries and pomegranates.

If you indulge in these foods or drinks, you should try to minimize the contact time with your teeth. For instance, when drinking tea or coffee, use a straw, and when eating berries or sauces, be sure to brush your teeth shortly afterward.

You should also keep an eye out for any signs of discoloration or staining on your teeth. If you start noticing any changes, you should immediately switch back to the recommended diet and make sure you are brushing regularly.

Schedule Regular Touch-Ups

When it comes to maintaining your teeth whitening results after visiting the dentist, scheduling regular touch-ups is essential. Teeth whitening treatments do not last forever, and your teeth must be maintained to keep your smile bright and sparkling.

Many teeth whitening dentists in Lincolnwood, Illinois offer touch-up treatments that can help keep your teeth white and prevent discoloration from occurring. These treatments are usually much less expensive than a full teeth whitening procedure, so they are worth considering if you want to maintain your results for longer.

When scheduling these touch-ups, you should talk to your dentist about what frequency is best for you. Depending on your lifestyle and habits, your dentist may recommend getting a touch-up every few months or even yearly. It is important to remember that even if you follow all the other tips for maintaining your results, scheduling regular touch-ups is key for keeping your teeth looking their brightest.

Looking for a Teeth Whitening Dentist in Lincolnwood, Illinois?

Your smile is your best accessory, so it is vital to take care of it. Teeth whitening is a great way to instantly brighten and refresh your look — but it’s essential to maintain the results post-visit to get the most out of your treatment.

Are you ready to schedule an appointment with the most trusted teeth whitening dentist in Lincolnwood, Illinois? If so, our team at Smile Innovations is here to help. Dr. Gordon J. Ziols (DDS, FAGD) and his staff provide effective teeth whitening treatments that can brighten any smile. Contact us today at (773) 763-1000 to schedule an appointment.