Fixing an Overbite with Braces; Insights from a Portage Park Dentist


Overbites are often a very recognizable orthodontic issue that can cause both health-related and psychological problems. The good news is that it’s a problem that can be treated easily with braces, especially if it is detected early. Treatment methods and durations may vary depending on when the problem is addressed and the severity of the case. In this article, we’re going to give you a quick overview on what the treatment entails and how long it may last.

The Different Types of Overbites

Overbites are categorized by orthodontists as malocclusions, and they can be either vertical or horizontal. Horizontal overbites occur when the top teeth protrude over the bottom teeth, and vertical overbites occur when the top teeth overlap the bottom teeth. Some patients may have a combination of the two conditions. Overbites can be further divided into dental or skeletal. Skeletal overbites are caused by the jaw, while dental overbites occur due to the positioning of the teeth themselves.

Treating Overbites with Braces

Most overbite problems can be treated with braces. The treatment starts with the assessment stage, which usually includes an x-ray procedure in order to determine the type of overbite. Braces will be used in two stages: first to straighten the teeth, and then to shift the jawline into position.

For the first stage, arch wire is attached to the teeth, and during the second stage, elastics are used to apply constant pressure to the jawline. The elastics are essentially “rubber bands” that can be removed when drinking, eating, or brushing the teeth, and they are replaced periodically. However, they should be worn consistently, otherwise, you may experience pain due to the irregular application of pressure. The final stage of the treatment involves using a permanent wire to position the teeth, or a retainer.

Overbites should be addressed as soon as possible. They are an issue that is best treated while the patient’s teeth and jaw line are still forming, and before the negative effects of the condition start to manifest themselves. Overbites often lead to teeth clenching and grinding, which damages them over time. In fact, many patients report having migraines, headaches, and jaw pains due to the condition.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

The duration of the treatment will depend on the severity of the problem, with deeper overbites being some of the longest conditions to fix with braces. Most patients are also likely to suffer from more than one condition, which will add more time to the process. Every case will be different, but for the most severe overbites, the duration is generally at least two years. Patients may also need to be fitted for a retainer once the braces come off, which can add time to the overall duration of the process as well.

In rare cases, surgery may be needed. This is a treatment path generally reserved for adults with severe skeletal overbites and jaw problems. Surgery can be done to reposition the jaw, along with tooth extraction and braces. For children and younger teens, surgery is not usually necessary because the jaw is still growing.

If you or someone you know is suffering from an overbite, and if you live in the Portage Park area, it’s best to visit a dentist’s office that offers orthodontics as soon as possible. Untreated overbites can lead to migraines and teeth damage in adults, and for children and young teens, the problem is best treated before the jaw reaches maturity. At Smile Innovations, we are here to help! We are the premier dental office serving the Portage Park neighborhood and Dr Ziols is one the most trusted Portage Park area Dentists. Contact us today and we will schedule an appointment as soon as possible.