Is a Loose Crown a Dental Emergency? Insights from a Top-Rated Dentist and Dental Office in Sauganash, Chicago

A dental emergency should never be taken lightly. Emergency oral health problems — if left untreated — can progress to severe conditions that may affect your overall health and wellbeing.
Many oral health problems constitute a dental emergency, and as such, it’s crucial to understand when you should visit the nearest dental office in Sauganash, Chicago. One of the most common dental emergencies we see is loose dental crowns, which require immediate attention. Below, we’re going to discuss everything you’ll need to know to get the proper treatment for a loose dental crown in Sauganash, Chicago.
What Does an Emergency Dentist in Sauganash Do?
You should see a general dentist in Sauganash, Chicago for routine dental cleaning, common procedures, and minor concerns. However, if a dental problem is serious enough to be considered an “emergency,” immediate intervention is required.
An emergency dentist in Sauganash, Chicago can get you into the office to address your situation as soon as possible without a formal appointment. At an emergency dental office, the dentist and his or her dental assistants will have the experience and expertise to deal with the most complex dental problems. They specialize in performing dental surgery and alleviating extreme discomfort. An emergency dentist caters to patients of all ages 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
How Do Dental Crowns Become Loose?
- You may have eaten something sticky, chewy, or hard, and accidently pulled your crown out of place.
- Trauma to the dental crown — such as a fall or a violent blow to the face — can also loosen it.
- The dental cement may also deteriorate with time, causing the dental crown to become loose.
- In many cases, if there is damage to a tooth’s surface or enamel (tooth decay), the dental crown may begin to separate from the tooth.
What Constitutes a Dental Crown Emergency?
If you are in excruciating pain, a loose dental crown can be a big concern. It indicates that the crown is concealing a tooth that is infected or severely decayed.
A tooth infection can spread to other regions of the mouth and throughout the body if not treated promptly. The pain can be incapacitating as well. A loose dental crown can also be uncomfortable and impair your ability to perform even the most basic tasks.
How Can an Emergency Dentist in Sauganash Help?
If you have a dental emergency, you should contact an emergency dentist in Sauganash, Chicago, as quickly as possible. Your dentist will examine the dental crown to determine whether it can be reattached, or if a new one is required. In addition, the dentist can examine the tooth and offer treatment to reverse any decay that might be present. In some cases, the dentist may need to reshape the tooth for a new dental crown to fit properly.
Keeping Dental Crowns Intact
Dental crowns in Sauganash, Chicago typically last seven to ten years, so a dentist will likely have to replace them at some point. There are, however, things you can do to extend the life of a dental crown and avert a dental emergency:
- Avoid sticky, chewy, and hard foods can help.
- Brush and floss regularly.
- Visit your Sauganash dentist at least twice a year to prevent minor dental problems from becoming major ones.
Having Issues with Your Dental Crown? Contact the Top-Rated Dentist and Dental Office in Sauganash, Chicago
Dealing with a loose crown can be stressful, and to make matters worse, the pain can be excruciating. If you notice a loose or broken dental crown, and if you need to visit the top-rated dental office in Sauganash, Chicago, the team at Smile Innovations is here to help. To schedule an emergency appointment with Dr. Gordon J. Ziols (DDS, FAGD), contact our office today at (773) 763-1000 and we’ll do our best to get you an appointment with us as soon as possible.