Tips for Living Comfortably with Dentures in Jefferson Park: Tips from a Jefferson Park Dentist

Dentures make life easier for patients that have lost one or more teeth. A denture is a removable reconstruction of a set of teeth that is designed with both form and function in mind. It blends in seamlessly with the rest of the teeth, and it also restores and reinforces the shape of your mouth, while allowing you to chew all types of foods. However, living with dentures can be difficult at first, and this is why we’ve put this guide together. After all, a set of dentures can be a considerable investment, so it’s best to make the most of it. Here is how you can live comfortably with your new dentures.
1. Don’t let the dentures become dried out
Dentures are very good at mimicking natural teeth, which is why they need to be kept wet at all times. When you are not using your dentures, they should be placed in a denture cleansing solution, or in water at the very least. Without liquid, the dentures will dry out and become brittle, which can lead to cracking, warping, and fracturing.
2. Brush the dentures at least two times a day
Brushing your dentures is important, just like brushing your teeth. In fact, brushing your dentures has pretty much the same effect as brushing your teeth. Without this routine practice, the dentures will start building up plaque and odor-causing bacteria. After the brushing, make sure to rinse thoroughly so that no food particles remain in the dental appliance.
You will also want to brush your gums, because they are still vulnerable to gum disease. However, make sure that you are very gentle, and that you use a toothbrush with soft bristles. This will stimulate the gums, remove any extra plaque, bacteria, and food particles, and increase your overall oral health.
3. Practice your speech while wearing dentures
When first wearing your dentures, you may notice that you have a lisp, or strange verbal inflections. This is not a cause for alarm. It usually takes some time for your muscles to adjust to the new oral structure. In order to speed up the process, you can practice speaking by reading aloud from a book, or by singing along to music. Of course, holding a conversation with someone close to you is also a good idea. With enough practice, the lisp and other verbal inflections will soon go away.
4. Learn how to correct slipping dentures
Dentures may slip during an abrupt movement, such as when you sneeze or laugh. This can feel very uncomfortable and foreign at first, but with some practice, you will be able to correct the issue right away. The movement is simple—simply bite down on the dentures and swallow. This will ensure that the dentures are secured back in place, and over time, the technique will become subtle to the point where it is not even noticeable. However, if your dentures are slipping too often, they may need to be refitted.
Are you looking for dentures in Jefferson Park?
Getting dentures should be an event that improves your life tremendously—not a hassle that you have to deal with. This is why it’s important to learn some of these quick tips and tricks that will help you enjoy your new teeth. If you would like to find out more about dentures, or would like to schedule an appointment for an initial appraisal, contact us today. We can guide you through the entire process, its costs, and what to expect during our appointment. Dr Ziols has extensive experience in working with Jefferson Park patients and providing denture solutions. If you are looking for a Jefferson Park dentist for new dentures, please call our office today.