Is it Time to See an Edgebrook Area Dentist or Periodontist?

A periodontist is a specialist that handles any issues related to the gums, bones, and connective tissues near the teeth. The word periodontist itself stems from the roots “peri”, which means “around”, and “odont”, which means tooth. As preparation for the profession, a periodontist goes through at least three extra years of study after they graduate dental school. The expertise gathered in those extra years helps to educate periodontists on all the diseases and disorders that can affect the support structures around the tooth, and they also gain in-depth knowledge of tooth replacement systems and periodontal medicine.
Periodontal diseases refer to diseases that affect the gums. More specifically, it refers to diseases that affect the way in which a tooth is attached to the gum, the surrounding connecting tissues, and the surrounding bone structure. Most of these diseases are caused by bacterial biofilm, which can accumulate around your teeth if you have an ineffective oral hygiene routine. This bacterial accumulation triggers the body’s immune system, causing a reaction in the gums.
Gum disease is actually more common than you might think. In the United States, studies report that around 50% of the US adult population, or around 65 million people, are affected by some type of destructive periodontal disease.
Signs That You Should Visit an Edgebrook Area Dentist or Periodontist
The really insidious aspect of periodontal diseases is that they are usually asymptomatic. Even if you have a great smile and healthy-looking teeth on the surface, your teeth may be progressively losing their attachments to the bone. Some signs can tip you off, however. If you start to notice slight bleeding when you floss or brush your teeth, gum inflammation and redness, or a bad taste in your mouth, you may have a periodontal disease. At later stages, the symptoms become much more apparent: abscesses, loose teeth, and finally tooth loss.
The treatment for one of these diseases will depend on its cause, so an accurate diagnosis based on a comprehensive evaluation is very important. Diseases in their early and intermediate stages can be treated easily by ensuring that you start and maintain an optimal daily brushing and flossing routine, along with a couple of professional treatments such as root debridement and root planing. For diseases that are in their more advanced stages, surgical and occlusal treatments may also be added to the list.
When Is a Periodontist Needed?
All dentists receive training on how to treat early forms of gum disease, with some opting for extra training where they will learn how to treat gum disease in their more advanced stages. A periodontist generally comes in at the recommendation of a dentist, who will usually be the first to diagnose any gum issues you may have. In some cases, however—even when dealing with the late stages of gum disease—your dentist may have all the needed qualifications to provide the same treatment as a periodontist. In cases like this, he or she may handle the procedure themselves. If you have been diagnosed with a gum disease, you might also choose to get a second opinion from a periodontist. Your Edgebrook area dentist can usually make a recommendation.
Do You Suspect You May Have Gum Disease?
If you think you may need a dentist or periodontist in the Edgebrook area, give us a call today to schedule an initial appointment. During this appointment, we will be able to diagnose your problem and suggest the right treatment for your particular situation. Dr. Ziols and the team at Smile Innovations provide treatments for a variety of gum diseases in all stages of their development. Widely recognized as the most respected Edgebrook dentist, Dr Ziols has been treating area residents for decades.