What to Expect from Your First Teeth Whitening Appointment

Teeth whitening is a procedure used to lighten the natural color of a patient’s teeth without removing any portion of the tooth’s surface. It should be noted that it doesn’t actually change the color of the teeth, but it can make the existing shade much lighter. In this article, we’re going to talk about this procedure and what you can expect from your first professional teeth whitening appointment with a Gladstone Park area dentist.
Why Choose This Procedure?
There are several reasons why patients opt to get this procedure. The color of your teeth can be determined by a variety of factors, including genetics, smoking, drinking red wine, coffee or tea, and eating certain foods such as blackcurrant. Teeth color can also be affected by tartar, and staining may also develop under the surface due to antibiotic use or cracks in the tooth. If you notice that your teeth are not as white as they once were, and that whitening tooth paste doesn’t do the job, this may be the perfect procedure for you.
How Does Teeth Whitening with a Gladstone Park area Dentist Work?
One of the most common teeth whitening procedures is known as professional bleaching. Your dentist will assess your oral health and determine whether you are suitable for having the procedure. If everything checks out, the procedure will go forward. It will start with the dentist or dental team placing a gel or a rubber shield over your gums. This is done for protection. The dentist will then apply the whitening substance, which is done using a specialized tray that resembles a mouth guard. This substance contains an active ingredient that can be either carbamide peroxide or hydrogen peroxide. The active ingredient will interact with the enamel of the teeth, allowing oxygen to enter it, and making it lighter in the process.
There is also a procedure known as power whitening or laser whitening. Once again, your gums will be protected using a rubber dam, and a bleaching substance will be applied to the surface of the teeth. The substance is then activated using a laser or a powerful light source, which will speed up the reaction and improve the end result. Power whitening can lighten teeth by up to six shades.
How Long Does the Procedure Take?
Bleaching can take anywhere from three to four weeks, with two or three initial dentist visits, followed by two to four weeks of applying a whitening product yourself at home. This product will need to be applied for 30 minutes to an hour at a time. The first appointment will mostly revolve around taking impressions of your teeth in order to build the mouth guard. There are also alternative products that can be applied for 8 hours at a time, which will allow you to complete the full treatment and see results within approximately one week. Power whitening, on the other hand, will take about one hour in total. However, the tradeoff is that the power whitening procedure is more expensive.
How Long Do the Effects Last?
You can expect the effects of the procedure to last up to three years, depending on your various habits. If you smoke, drink coffee, or eat foods that can stain your teeth regularly, the effect will likely be shorter lived. You can ask your Gladstone Park area dentist directly for a better estimate based on your lifestyle.
Are There Any Side Effects?
There are some temporary side effects that can last up to a few days. Some patients report that their teeth have become more sensitive to cold, while others may get a sore throat, feel a bit of discomfort in their gums, or have white patches appear on the gum line. Again, all of these symptoms generally go away after a few days, and if they continue for longer, you should contact your dentist.
If you would like to schedule an appointment for professional teeth whitening in Gladstone Park, contact Dr. Ziols and Smile Innovations today! We are the premier Gladstone Park area dental practice.