What to Expect When Undergoing a Dental Restoration Procedure: Insights from a Teeth Restoration Dentist in Edison Park, Chicago

Teeth restoration dentist in Edison Park Chicago

Dental restoration procedures can be very helpful in keeping your teeth and gums healthy, attractive, and functional — but they can also be intimidating if you don’t know what to expect from your procedure. So, what should you expect during your dental restoration procedure? After all, there are a lot of variables involved in the process, and if you are not fully prepared, you may find yourself feeling anxious about the procedure.

To help you plan and make the most of your visit with a teeth restoration dentist in Edison Park, Chicago, we have put together this helpful guide that addresses what to expect during your dental restoration procedure. From anesthesia to the actual procedure itself, we are going to cover all the details so you can feel prepared going into your appointment.

Pre-Op Preparation

Knowing what to expect during the pre-op preparation phase of your dental restoration procedure is important. You may not be able to eat or drink anything after midnight before your surgery. The night before, you should brush and floss your teeth and rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash. You will also need someone who can take you home post-procedure.

Your teeth restoration dentist in Edison Park, Chicago will have all the information for you on what medicines and antibiotics you should take, what clothes to wear, and any other questions that may come up while getting ready for the procedure.

The Day of Your Procedure

On the day of your procedure, you will arrive at the dentist’s office and be greeted by their staff. You will then have time to relax in the waiting room before your dentist comes in to greet you.

Your dentist will ask you about any questions or concerns you may have, and if necessary, they will take some impressions of your teeth so they can make your new crown or implant. You will then be taken into the dental chair and given local anesthesia so they can begin working on your mouth. They will remove any buildup from around the problem tooth before taking out any decay (if there is any) and re-capping it with a filling material.

You will feel some pressure when the dentist puts their hands in your mouth, but it is nothing unbearable. You will also feel some pulling and tugging on your teeth as they work. You may even see blood or spit come out of your mouth during the procedure.

Your teeth restoration dentist in Edison Park, Chicago will numb you with Novocaine so you won’t feel much pain during the procedure. But if you start feeling any discomfort, tell them immediately, and they can stop for a moment and make the necessary adjustments.

Post-Op Care

After your dental restoration procedure, you will be advised to maintain oral hygiene by brushing and flossing your teeth daily. If your teeth restoration dentist in Edison Park, Chicago has instructed you to take any medications or antibiotics, it’s important that you follow those instructions. You may experience some sensitivity or discomfort in the area where your tooth was treated in the days following the procedure, but this should fade with time as your body heals.

Avoid anything that might aggravate that sensitive area, such as hot or cold beverages, spicy foods, and chewing on that side of your mouth for a few days after treatment. Also, avoid any form of tobacco for at least one week following treatment; smoking causes inflammation of the gums, which can prolong recovery time from the procedure.

Looking for the Top-Rated Teeth Restoration Dentist in Edison Park, Chicago?

Restoring teeth damaged by decay, tooth wear, or trauma is integral to your oral health, and it can significantly improve your quality of life. Are you ready to schedule a visit with the most trusted teeth restoration dentist in Edison Park, Chicago? If so, look no further than Dr. Gordon J. Ziols and the team at Smile Innovations. Contact us today at (773) 763-1000 to schedule a consultation.