Why Is It Best to Have Your Teeth Whitened at the Dentist? Insights from a Dentist in Forest Glen, Chicago

Teeth whitening dentist in Forest Glen, Chicago

When considering whether to whiten your teeth at home or your local Forest Glen dental office, it’s important to research the differences between the two options.

At-home teeth whitening is undoubtedly more affordable than in-office whitening — however, the results obtained with professional teeth whitening in Forest Glen, Chicago are far superior. Professional teeth whitening also involves less risk than most over the counter or at-home whitening procedures.

Here are some more advantages to choosing in-office whitening over at-home whitening:

Faster Results

Both at-home and in-office whitening treatments involve the use of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is a bleaching agent. H2O2 levels in in-office whitening treatments range from 15% to 43%, whereas the same in at-home cleaning methods range from 3% to 20%. The increased H2O2 concentration used at your local dental office in Forest Glen whitens your teeth more effectively in much less time.

In addition to a high H2O2 concentration, dentists may use heat or light to accelerate the whitening process. While at-home teeth whitening solutions can take weeks (or even months) to show any noticeable results, professional teeth whitening in Forest Glen can give you a white and bright smile in as little as an hour.

Brighter, Longer-Lasting Smile

One of the biggest advantages of professional teeth whitening in Forest Glen is that your dentist oversees the entire treatment, ensuring excellent results that you cannot get from at-home whitening solutions.

First and foremost, your Forest Glen dentist will examine your teeth to ensure that you’re a good candidate for a teeth whitening treatment. This can help you avoid any discomfort or less-than-ideal whitening results. One thing to note is that, if you have any visible dental restorations, you may not be a good candidate for certain treatments. This is because the bleach may not work on those restorations, leaving your teeth discolored.

Your dentist will clean your teeth and remove any dental plaque or tartar build-up before administering the bleaching agent to achieve the best results. They will also monitor your teeth throughout the whitening procedure to ensure that everything goes smoothly, and that the whitening treatment is as comfortable for you as possible.

While most at-home whitening solutions — like whitening toothpaste or baking soda — can remove plaque build-up and brown spots from the surface of the teeth, professional teeth whitening in Forest Glen penetrates the teeth from within. As such, the results are significantly more dramatic and longer-lasting than at-home treatments.

Lower Risk of Dentin Hypersensitivity and Tooth Decay/Cavities

Two common side effects of teeth whitening are dentin hypersensitivity (overly sensitive teeth) and gingivitis (gum inflammation). When the bleaching agent is left on the teeth for too long, it can dehydrate them and causes greater sensitivity. Or, if H202 contacts your gums, it can cause irritation and pain when eating certain foods.

It is far more likely that you may misuse the at-home whitening products, resulting in dental hypersensitivity and pain — not to mention, less-than-stellar whitening results. In contrast, at an Forest Glen dental office, the dentist will know how to protect your teeth and gums throughout the procedure. When all is said and done, an Forest Glen dentist will help you achieve the best whitening results.

Looking for Professional Teeth Whitening in Forest Glen, Chicago?

Given the health risks that come with at-home whitening treatments and the various benefits of professional teeth whitening in Forest Glen, the latter is unquestionably the superior choice.

Are you interested in having your teeth professionally whitened in Forest Glen, Chicago? If so, contact our office today at (773) 763-1000 or fill out an online form to get in touch with our staff.